Introduction to Programming
"String" is just a fancy way of saying "text" or "a bunch of characters." It's the word
programmers use, though, so we'll use "string." A string in C is stored as an array of
characters. From the earlier array example, you can guess how to define an array of
char my_string[20];
my_string[0] = 'H';
my_string[1] = 'e';
my_string[2] = 'l';
my_string[3] = 'l';
my_string[4] = 'o';
my_string[5] = 0;
printf("The value of my_string is %s\n", my_string);
I want you to notice two things here. First, I'm using the %s format code. This is a special
code just for strings. It expects a character-array to be the next argument to printf. It
then steps through the array one character at a time, adding each character to the screen.
Secondly, I set element 5 of my_string to 0, not '0'. What's the difference? '0' would
put an actual zero on the screen. I don't want "Hello0", so I didn't use '0'. The raw zero,
without the single-quotes '' tells the computer "this is the end of the string." Without that,
%s would keep putting up characters onto the screen until it crashed or found another raw
zero somewhere.
String Functions
There are a number of helper functions for strings. You can use these so you don't end up
having to do what I did above, setting each character one at a time.
fgets gets a string from the user. You may remember this from earlier examples.
char user_input[128];
fgets(user_input, 127, stdin);
strcpy copies one string to another.
char my_string[128];
strcpy(my_string, "Copy from this string!");
Compares one string to another. 0 means they are equal, any other result means they are
char user_input[128];
fgets(user_input, 127, stdin);
if (strcmp(user_input, "hello\n") == 0)
printf("You said hello to me! :)\n");
printf("Why didn't you say hello to me?! :(\n");
- Try getting a string from the user and print out the third character in the string.
Hint: What's the format code for a single character?
Hint #2: How does the fact that computers start counting with zero (instead of one)
change the way you're going to select the "third" element?
- Try expanding the "You said hello" example above to make a simple conversation between the
computer and the user.