Introduction to Programming

Linux Command Line

Cheat Sheet

Type green text exactly
Replace blue text with something else

pwd Display current directory (Present Working Directory)
ls List files in current directory
cd directory Change directory
mkdir directory Make a new directory (does not move into it)
nano filename Simple text editor. Once in the editor, see the commands at the bottom (hold down control).
cp from_file to_file Make a copy of a file
mv from_file to_file Move a file
rm filename Remove (delete) a file. Be careful!! You can't undo this!
cat filename Display contents of a file
more filename Display contents of a big file, letting you pause for each page.
history See all the commands you've typed in.
man command Get help for a command
gcc code_file -o executable_file Compile! Turn your code into an executable.

Tricks and Tips:

Next: Example Command Line Session

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Introduction to Programming
